
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ootd: Make Me Blush

Hi Islers!

What makes you smile? Is it clothes? Your favorite sweet treat? A kiss from someone special? For me a smile, and the ensuing blush, immediately comes from a well fitting outfit...and how appropriate that today's outfit of choice incorporates the color blush! I feel most confident when my outfit is tailored to perfection and my blazer and favorite Joe Fresh cords do just the that. These rose gold and pink pumps elongate my legs and make my 5'7" frame appear nice and lean (I love a good wardrobe trick) :-D

If you've read any of my previous posts you will know that I LOOOVE rose gold accessories. This stack of wrist candy goes perfectly with the blazer and shoes; and although "matchy matchy" is frowned upon in fashion, in my opinion it's perfectly acceptable on the style front (perhaps not in a head to toe color, to be on the safe side lol). Just make sure you incorporate enough balance (texture, proportion, etc.) in the outfit so not to overwhelm. 

"The rules of fashion don't apply to style." -- Maya Gatewood

Ciao guys!

Blazer: New York & Company; Blouse: H&M; Cords: Joe Fresh; Pumps: Thrifted (Anne Klein); Chain: H&M; Watch: JewelMint; Pink & Rose Gold Cuff: JewelMint; Gold Cuff: Ralph Lauren; Affirmation Bracelet: Strawberry (NYC)

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