
Monday, February 4, 2019

Intentional Commitment

Hi everyone!

2019 already feels different. This year, there is just something new in the air. Maybe it's the political and social climate in which we now find ourselves, maybe it's the renewed boom in entrepreneurship and tech. Whatever the case, people are committing their thoughts, opinions and actions to make changes.

I have also chosen to commit this year—the commitment to investing in myself! I am choosing me this year. At times, I have poured into others with little to no return, but if I know that I am a good investment why wouldn't I give myself the same support, if not more? 
"Investing in yourself is about more than just money. It’s about sacrificing the new time required to achieve goals and believing that you are worth the challenge." --Maya Gatewood
This year I am making the intentional commitment to push "go" on my spiritual walk, business and the ideas I have had for years. Is it scary? Is it overwhelming? Is there the possibility of falling short? Yes! But I cannot say I failed if I never tried. This conviction started with one stepregistering for an online course to help me level up. Money may be tight, the outcome may be uncertain, but I had to start with that one step, and each step after will inform the next.

Baby Steps

Sometimes it's not the big steps but the little ones that can propel us faster, building confidence with each achievement. For example, say you want to create a complex food dish but the prep and cooking time and the long list of ingredients make you want to give up before you even start. If you take the instructions step by step, the process seems more manageable. With the recipe broken down into digestible pieces, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work involved and more likely to feel confident by mastering smaller tasks. Think about applying the same principle to your life. Just start with the first step and focus on accomplishing that. Maybe it's printing out the application for college enrollment, packing your gym bag at night and putting it by the door, or writing out bullet points for your business proposal. Once you've conquered the first step, you'll feel motivated to move on to the second, and before you know it your goal is just one step away.

What are some things you are committing to this year? What's the first step on the path to your goal? What strategies can you implement to get there faster? What will you do to keep yourself motivated when challenges arise?

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