Do you struggle with setting goals and carrying them through to the end? If you missed my previous post, click here to read my perspective on limited goal-setting. Consistency is the next figure in the equation for reaching your goals. In my head the diagram looks something like this:
Effective Goal Setting + Consistency = Positive Goal Achievement
I tend to get hung up on the beautiful finished product that first popped into my head. For example, I want to create a t-shirt line and the first thing that pops into my head—as an artist—is, of course, the design. I think, “that would make a dope t-shirt” and “I know people would buy this.” From there, I think about all the steps and actions that need to take place in order to make this happen. I start a little bit of them all, get overwhelmed, and then stop completely. By not following through to realize the initial idea, I become disappointed, frustrated and often, angry with myself for underperforming.
The definition1 of consistency is:
- Marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity: free from variation or contradiction
- Marked by agreement
- Showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom
Thinking about this definition, I have created three strategies to help me be more consistent in my life and with my goals. I hope they may do the same for you.
Consistency is free from variation or contradiction.
In other words, “stay the course” as my mom would say. Focusing on one—maybe two—goals at a time minimizes the risk of distraction or deviation from the plan. By veering off course, you contradict the confidence and faith you put in yourself to accomplish. Proverbs 4:25-27 sums up this concept by instructing that we turn not to the right hand nor to the left, but to look straight ahead.Consistency is marked by agreement.
Look at your action plan as a binding contract you make with yourself but also as a guide to measure if you are in compliance with the steps necessary to make this thing happen! Measures like:- Is your attitude consistent with the type of person who would do what you are doing?
- Is your expertise consistent with the kind of trust you’re seeking from customers?
- Do your results consistently reflect positive outcomes?
Consistency is a steady conformity to character or belief.
This is a big one for me—being the same person no matter what! Life—and all of it curveballs—will happen but remain true to who you are and keep your “why” close. Conform to your character or belief by contouring what you do with why you do it. Remembering why you started in the first place, keeps you connected to your vision and mission.1 Source: Mirriam-Webster Dictionary